Many of our projects and initiatives centre on stakeholders’ social and learning experiences are in the form visual stories. They are invitations to witness newfound strengths and abilities. They provide testimonies how through the arts they opened worlds, changed the ”I to We” and gave themselves and others wings to fly.

The stories of persons with a disability are still too seldom heard. An art workshop for the Down Syndrome Association Singapore in 2000 brought the first insights into emotions behind the artmaking of persons with disabilities. Continued and long-term research on the semiotic nature of artmaking of young adults with Down syndrome has developed a deeper awareness of this issue. The staging of the global art exhibition Deep Down in Yucatan, Mexico, in November 2019 saw 150 artworks of persons with Down syndrome worldwide. Today, the exhibition continues on a virtual platform and as part of a learning community to stage international dialogue with the artists.
From 2011 to 2017, a unique partnership with the Singapore International Foundation and Buds of Christ, an HIV support organisation in Tamil Nadu, India, allowed us to see that when we are touched by our creative emotions, we are transported to a new place in which strength and resilience rule. More than 30 women of different ages and from rural villages shared their experiences. Their stories of pain and despair but also of resilience and pride in womanhood as Indian citizens were embedded in the arts. The masks and artworks representing their voices were exhibited in Mumbai (2013) and Chennai (2017). They showed the importance of the human touch, outreach and insights into cultural practices.

Outreach: Coloured lives
In 2017, Esther Joosa was nominated the Citizenship Ambassador Award based on her unique partnership with SIF. From 2011 to 2017 she worked with youth affected with HIV with just the three primary colours and black and white. They created a visual dialogue about equality and learnt that each one of us has in essence the same skin colour. It is merely the quantity of pigment that determines the depth of colour. Through self-portraits more than 100 youth affected by HIV gave voice to who they are and what it means to live with HIV. The artworks express the artists’ hopes, their dreams and visions as members of a global world.
One of the ongoing challenges in special education is the importance of renewal and innovation to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. As the main consultant in collaboration with Ministry of Education Special Education Branch and National Arts Council, we led the design for the standards of the visual arts in special education. Seven different schools, catering to diverse students and more than 100 students with varying disabilities shaped insights how the arts and creativity open new doors to opportunities for visual expression at different levels and abilities. The central features of the artworks show young people’s desire to communicate, create, and connect.

A continuous collaboration with Playeum has developed the foundation for a deep understanding about the value of play and creativity in the lives of children with a disability and community inclusion. The initiative received extensive community support from National Council of Social Services, Dews of Joy, the President’s challenge and SG Enable. It now includes a stakeholders manual, specialist training and coaching to guide parents and teachers.
Advocacy: Co-creation and Community inclusion
Our Outreach to include disabled artists in innovation and practice.
Numerous initiatives, projects and experiences involve the co-creation with disabled artists as main stakeholders. Some examples are the curation of I-Opener, a playeum exhibition space inspired by disabled artists in 2019; The NDP funpack design in collaboration with SG Enable from 2019-2023; A collaboration with Mediacorp and SG Enable in 2022 on the design of public art works.

Learn about our upcoming projects and initiatives on our blog & social media.